Wednesday, 28 January 2009

work - yuk!

my first post...

i have no idea what to talk about.

lets talk work.. i know what you're thinking - 'work!!??' let's face it, no-one really enjoys it and most of us have to do it.

i am a college librarian - this mostly involves asking people to be quiet, not eat or drink, take their phone calls outside and to not play internet games on the college computers. you'd think i spent most of my time stamping books, wouldn't you? or putting books on shelves... or something related to books anyway... no. my job is mostly to assert a little authority where none otherwise exists. my job is to find a thousand ways of shhhhing without causing offence. my job is all about being in a room with an unhealthy number of germ-laden teenagers.

so, i'm looking for a new job. any ideas? i'm smart, funny, organised and generally kind. my talents are varied and numerous...

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