Saturday 21 February 2009


i might seem a little obsessed with chickens... i crocheted this chicken teapot cosy for my hubby for valentines day...

Tuesday 3 February 2009

little red riding hood

This is our cute dog. doesn't he look smashing in red!? he has loved playing in the snow today...

he likes to try to catch snowballs... v. cute!

a brief nod to the snow

as everyone else is probably talking snow, i'll join in very briefly! the cat and dog love it, but the chickens are hiding out in their ark...
this might be kotchka's first real experience of snow...

Wednesday 28 January 2009

work - yuk!

my first post...

i have no idea what to talk about.

lets talk work.. i know what you're thinking - 'work!!??' let's face it, no-one really enjoys it and most of us have to do it.

i am a college librarian - this mostly involves asking people to be quiet, not eat or drink, take their phone calls outside and to not play internet games on the college computers. you'd think i spent most of my time stamping books, wouldn't you? or putting books on shelves... or something related to books anyway... no. my job is mostly to assert a little authority where none otherwise exists. my job is to find a thousand ways of shhhhing without causing offence. my job is all about being in a room with an unhealthy number of germ-laden teenagers.

so, i'm looking for a new job. any ideas? i'm smart, funny, organised and generally kind. my talents are varied and numerous...